Sunday, April 10, 2011


When I started to go back to church a friend there encouraged me to also sing in the choir. I really was excited to do. I love to sing and singing in the choir, whether it be church, school or the community choir, has always been a favorite thing to do. Even though I have been participating in it fully since I have been going consistently since February today was a major eye opener. I was off. Way off. I could not get the alto part down to save my life. I did okay in the past but today something was weird and awkward. I felt like a complete failure. Granted I do not claim to be the most amazing singer but I know how to find and carry a tune on key. After singing since the 5th grade I should definitely know something by now. I mean I have even taken lessons.

Feeling awkward and discouraged my friend said something about switching places because she kept hearing the soprano part and it was throwing her off. I said sure. I mean I was off anyway so what would it hurt. But then I found my key. I realized that I was able to hear my part better on the piano being next to it and more great I was able to hear the soprano part better to where I could harmonize with it. I realized that switch brought me closer to the source I needed to sing that day.

Yes, I have an analogy to connect to this experience. I realized today that I am searching for the harmony so I can hear my part and listen to what I need to sing, or in this case, do. Feeling all spiritual and churchy I realized that maybe I am singing the wrong parts and so it is not in harmony. I can't just get the tune by myself. It was basically said to me later today that when we listen to those enticing and the spiritual experiences that then we can feel like we are on the right path.

Here it goes to harmonizing my life. I am going to try it and see where it leads. Hopefully it can become something beautiful like a well harmonized song being sung.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely beautiful, Aly. I really enjoyed reading this. (twice!)
