Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Admitting It, Getting It Off My Chest and Trusting in the Lord

I know right now I should be focusing on homework. I have a fine art photomanipulation project that I have been putting off but nothing has been coming to me.

I know the reasons. I am depressed. I can't create while I am depressed.

I claim that my depression is situational depression which is very possible, but I am starting to believe that there lies much more with that. Many times in my life I get motivated and push forward with life looking at the positive but then I somehow have gotten no where. Sure, situations have certainly caused me to feel depressed and frustrated but maybe it is so much more. I keep telling myself to just see how it is after the baby is born but I think it is only pushing back the inevitable. Depression runs in my family so it is possible. Although, so does addiction and I have yet to get addicted to something. I am not wanting to go on any type of medications. I have seen the negatives before the positives. I am sure I am not clinically depressed nor do I feel chemically imbalanced. I do know, something is not right, and I have got to change it. Looking at a pamphlet about Postpartum Depression makes it feel even more real. I don't want to be sad when my daughter comes. I have been seeking counseling and this is the longest I have gone without talking to him since going back in December. Little did I realized how important it was for me to go until now.

I know I have tried to remain positive in my blogs. I have tried to make it enjoyable for others to read and not be a woe is me, my life is horrible blah blah have some cheese with that whine. Like I said in the last blog, I don't deserve sympathy. I realized that choices I made were indeed stupid choices and I am now paying for those choices. I am going to admit to everyone out loud and right now that I don't know who the father is. Yes, me, I made the choice and I know that choice was wrong. I am finding the road to repentance is not easy. Just sucks that my daughter has to be in the middle of it. So yeah, I am depressed because of the repercussions on my choices are affected beyond anything I ever thought it would. The more I try to fix it, the worse it becomes and the more depressed I feel. I want to give her the best I can give her. It was mentioned to me that though despite everything and despite the depression I feel it was great to see that I laugh and marvel at my belly when she moves and I have not once said anything that regrets her in any way. I am glad for that, because I do not regret her.

Over all though, I have no idea what to do. I can't even think about simple choices right now. I feel completely lost. My mom mentioned a scripture after my last blog entry Proverbs 3:5. Strangely enough, I didn't have to look it up. I remembered what it said. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding." Right now, I have to trust in the Lord. It feels as though I am stopping and not doing anything to fix the situation. I am needing to stop because everything I am doing is digging myself deeper in a hole. I am hoping, hoping that just by stopping I can see some clear direction on what to do because for the first time, in a long long long long long long time, I am ready to let the Lord take it from here. I have no idea how I am going to make it through the birthing process and first month of being with the baby. Or even breastfeeding. I have no idea how to pay for daycare so I can go to school for the last year and half since I get no state help. I am constantly dreading everyday fearful some other trial or something else will come up that makes this situation that much more difficult to endure. Some how though, I believe in the Lord enough that there is something that will work out and things will be taken care of.

I have to have that faith. I had absolutely almost no faith 8 months ago and now all I have is faith. Some of you know, well now you all know, that is something that is very hard for me to have.


  1. *gasp* I am shocked and appalled! JK - already knew! :P
    And while it may make me sympathize the situation that much more, it doesn't change that I love you and am always here for you.
    We grow in adversity, and i'd say you're doing great!!

  2. Thank you for sharing! I know that is not easy! I really struggled with postpardom depression after my daughter was born and it is rough. I admire you for thinking about it now and being able to see the warning signs. The hardest part is admitting it to yourself and being able to ask for help. If you feel that way after she is born, please talk to your doctor or someone you trust. Please know that I an hear for you if you need anything! I know I am far away but sometimes all you need is someone to talk to. Oh and Breastfeeding, it sucks at first! Yes it is a great thing to do for your child, I am still doing it at 10 months and plan to go to a year, but it is HARD! Just remember, if nursing stresses you out and is causing any more depression than nessisary, you daughter is better off with the bottle. Your daughter needs a happy, healthy mom much more than she needs breast milk. You are an amazing person and are going to be such a wonderful mother! Your daughter is blessed to have you! Love you!
