Sunday, January 15, 2012

Step up!

Today for another time I have heard a story that the girl and guy go out on some dates but all it leads to ambiguity if they are in a relationship or where it is heading. Now, I have accepted that it is difficult to date right now in my life because of school and being a single mom. However, hearing others claim  that they have to have the "determine the relationship" discussion seems to be more and more frequent.

Back when I first started to date 10 years ago everything seemed to be a bit more cut and dry. Why is it getting more and more difficult for the guy to decided that he does want to go exclusive with this girl he is spending frequent time with? I have to say, I am sure other women feel this way, that the guy needs to step up. Stop just being friends with the girl and get serious.

Perhaps it is my age and realizing that we are not getting any younger that makes this more prevalent. If you want to get married sometime in your life then great, so step up. If you don't want to get married then don't lead a girl on and give her false hope. Be a man and step up. Granted, there are some women who are content just being friends but they generally let that be known from the beginning. Here is an insight my single male friends, that when a girl is continually showing you specific attention and you are continually going out, or you like to say "hanging out" then she is interested in you, so STEP UP!

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