Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sickness , Sunshine and Art

On Monday I met with this woman who is a First Steps Nurse. It is a woman who comes into your home to help you with any concerns or questions regarding pregnancy and post-pregnancy (including breast feeding) and child wellness. At first I wasn't so sure about it but I am sure it will be nice for a monthly visit from a sweet woman at least. She was asking me if I had the flu shot yet this winter and I told her no. I got it last winter and still ended up getting the flu twice that winter plus a cold every month for the whole year. I had no desire to do it again. She mentioned to me that pregnant woman are high risk for the H1N1 blah blah.... okay no thanks lady... sweet lady though just doing her job.

I also explained to her that surprisingly I haven't been sick since November, you know that crazy snowed in, no power thanksgiving week, yeah I remember that I was sick with a migraine that week not fun. I figured if I could survive a cold frigid temperature week with a sickness and be fine I could get over anything else brought on. There were so many opportunities for me to get sick too and didn't happen. I felt like luck was on my side.

I spoke too soon.

Tuesday I felt a little tickle in my throat but didn't think anything of it. I do have allergies. But then after a stressful Tuesday evening (actually almost unable to control my emotions, yeah, Anthropology class... grrr) I think that triggered something or I don't know but Wednesday morning I was feeling something a brewing in me. I barely made it to the end of my Photography class and my dear friend took me home where I just crashed for the rest of the day. Missing my Graphic Design class. My temperature went up and I slept almost the entire afternoon. I thought maybe that was good enough and all I had but nope, it continued into Thursday. 98 degrees then spiking up to 101.1 It was madness and annoying. I felt miserable and snotty. I had to cancel psycho appointment, internship, missed classes and bail out on a friend (yet again.) I hated every minute and I know, I know I only got sick because of my attitude on Monday. I guess one would say I was humbled?

But here is Sunday, still hacking but feeling better. My roommate and some friends were also sick so something was going around. But the neat thing about this weekend was the beautiful weather that we had. It was amazing for February in Washington. Everyone threatened snow but there was no snow or rain to be had just beautiful sun.

I went out to Ocean Shores today, from where I am currently at, it is a 2.5 hour drive. My friend came with which was awesome to have her come and it was great to drive in the sunny beautiful weather. The beautiful weather though matched to a lovely end of the week. (Actually, we debated today if Sunday was the end or the beginning of the week, I say end. Debate will continue.)

I recently quit my job, as we all know, working retail to help further along my art path and so far it seems to be the right decision. I went to Ocean Shores to talk to a woman about displaying my artwork. Thanks to my other artist friend, Ivy Moyer, whose artwork is incredible, she helped navigate to this opportunity and I am so very thankful for. If you find yourself in Ocean Shores, Wa around March 19th or later, go to the Ramada Inn and there you will see my artwork and photographs for sale. Along with Ivy's art and other amazing artists.

Regardless to a horrible start to a week, failing Anthropology and being sick it ended with friendships, art opportunities, baby stuff shopping (thanks to my friend) and sunshine.

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