Too my surprise Sunday I woke up with a major headache that was pretty much off and on all day. I was totally conflicted on what to do. I made it through church and when I got to my brother's house my mom was waiting there. I was so excited to see her but my head was hurting so my enthusiasm was limited.
We had a great evening. It was very awesome actually but my headache along with nausea was still present so they all convinced me I should at least call the center and see what they think. After talking to the nurse she said to come in so that they could check my blood pressure. I am thinking, fine, simple enough my blood pressure is fine go back to brother's and enjoy a game of Bananagrams.
My mom and I went to the center and everything happened so quickly next thing I know I am in Room 1, the triage room, dressed down into a hospital garb, peed into a cup and sitting there waiting. So very confusing. My mom and I both had this look of "We just want blood pressure checked."
Finally the nurse arrived and she hooked me up this awesome machine in the most awkward position! It was these little devices that checked contractions and the baby's heartbeat. She also hooked me up to a machine that every 3 to 5 minutes it checked my blood pressure. Wow. What a weird feeling! My blood pressure started little high but not scary high but then by the end I think I was about at 122 over 68. Normal. Whew. Pee was normal too. Whew. So I was happy to hear that everything was fine but my head was still pounding.
It was amazing though that when the baby moved I would get strange pains and there was something my mom was looking at that a little dial was moving when that happened. Apparently those indeed were contractions. It was crazy to hear the movements and the baby's heartbeat on the monitor.
We were there for a while because the Dr there was helping with a C-Section. Hope that delivery went well. Finally the Dr came in and it was hilarious. I was so thrown off by the leprechaun looking old man with big ears and black rimmed glasses that when he asked me a question about my headache all I did was... stupidly smile! Finally getting over the surprised leprechaun Doc I told him headache still the same. He said he had some strong meds for me to take and then breifly mentioned my contractions weren't strong enough so everything was good and they were sending me home. The nurse came in and they had a pill for me to take, which at that point after waking up at 3am and enduring this headache all day I was very happy to take, I took the pill signed the papers, got the prescription and soon enough I was out the door. But looking down at my prescription was the word Vicodin!
Well, dang. That meant I had to go home from there instead of hangout more at my brothers. Just as well since I didn't have the baby that meant school in the morning anyway. I was happy to find out that all was well and these are just headaches. Yeah, I woke up with another one this morning. Yipee. But luckily I have my OB appointment today. I did do what she asked!
We will see what this week brings. I feel like it could happen any day now! I was hoping last night was it but at the same time I was making jokes about what a silly birth story about going to the hospital because of a headache. Although, now having write it out it was rather interesting. Plus on top of randomly finally meeting my friend's roommate was kind of an interesting night!
Here is a cell phone pic, yes mom I am sharing, that my mom took. Although it matched how I was feeling it was not why I was in this "woe is me" position. This is actually because my mom tried to take my picture with my old school phone by looking in the camera lens instead of at the screen. It me groan and laugh that she can use her high tech smart i-stuff but had a hard time using my old school stuff.

It's only because we sped out of the house without my phone or my camera!! lol Wait till the real thing happens. hehe.