I don't know if I am nesting or the fact I am being me. Everyone who knows me knows that I hate not being prepared. I have to make sure everything is packed days before I take a long trip, if someone is coming here I like to prepare for it, if an event or party is happening I want to be way prepared. I like my space to be neat, organized and clutter free. (You should see my room.) I hate being caught off guard at the last minute. If only I could fully apply that to my school work.
Right now, my bags are packed, the room is ready and everything is in a pile ready to grab for when I go into labor. The weird thing is the last few days I have been extremely hyper and going mad taking care of all this. I made sure my rooms and bathroom are clean and organized. Clothes are washed and put away ready to use. I would not be in any sort of panic at all. I love it. I know I would have had this all prepared anyway it was just weird and unexpected the crazy burst of energy these last few days and how I got extremely hyper.
Today, however, I think I could sleep all day long! Where did that energy go I wonder? Although, I think being this prepared has just made me anxious for it to happen. I am ready so really, I want her to come, like now.
This last week I have gone from, extremely tired to extreme energy, left hand hurts like I bruised it, major swelling, had crazy backaches and braxton hick contractions, crazy heartburn that made me want to pass out, extremely bloated and nauseousness, and now back to being tired. We shall see what the next week brings!
Speaking of I do start school again next week. Looking over the books I received thankfully the math is pretty basic compared to what math class I took last. Whew. And the others seem fairly easy to understand so I am not at all worried about being able to keep up or get ahead with school considering I am going to be taking a month off from going. We shall see. I hope the instructors I have not met yet are going to be willing to work with me!
So here is to another week of pregnancy maybe? Well, if it doesn't happen today it can't happen for another two weeks because well, I really want my mom to be there!
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