I even had an Archie comic that I read a whole lot but I loved nothing more than that Green Lantern one. I also remember a boy in 5th grade had a crush on me, he was so cute, and he gave me some 90's X-Men trading cards. (Sadly though I have no idea what has happened to those cards, it makes me sick to think what I did with them.) In Jr. High was when the TV shows came out. I would watch X-Men, Batman and Spiderman after school. I was completely entranced by them. In High School when the first movie came out I was so excited. I wished I could know more but I had no idea how. I didn't know anything about the comic books. So naturally when I met my ex-husband who was an avid comic book reader he introduced me to the world and I fell more in love with the art, the story telling and the abundant creativity!
After my divorce my mom said she was surprised I was so into it still. I told her I had always wanted to be but just didn't know how so I was grateful for that introduction. I still love it. There are certain characters and comics I have truly loved to read. It takes me 20 minutes to half hour to read one comic book because I just take my time reading them.
So naturally when the Emerald City ComicCon came up I just knew I had to take the opportunity to go! I was worried however how my pregnancy body would be able to handle the trek but I think the adrenaline carried me through out the whole day! My geekiness extends out to Star Wars, Star Trek and newly Dr. Who TV series. I was hoping though that I could find or be wearing a shirt that says "Future Geek" with an arrow pointing at my belly! I think it is inevitable that my daughter too will be into geeky things.
The ComicCon was amazing. There are levels of geekiness. You have, wannabe geek, semi-geek, geek, uber-geek, and super geek. I think I bounce between geek and uber-geek. Wanna be geek is the whole world baring those strange few who avoid it all completely, semi-geek are those who dabble in it but not as much as a plain geek who has their interest in most geek things with some stuff and collectibles, uber-geek is a step up where you can have a serious conversations/debates about certain story lines, artists, issues, games, movies. Where you can for a day straight be surrounded by geekiness and still want more. They own a fair share of memorabilia and collectibles. Super geek is the mecca geek. They are every combination of geek plus some. They know everything and in a debate are to be feared! They are willing to dress up in characters and put on that persona as well. They are those that can stump even the creators or actors because they know the story better than them, but yet they don't want to write them. They are what every greek and uber-geek hope to be but just can't seem to be. They may hit mecca from time to time but settle back down.
I was definitely in my element yesterday. I am however trying to fight the whole dating a geek thing. I guess I am fearful of a repeat of my marriage but I feel that it is inevitable. I suppose though if I am a geek to uber-geek I would have to find someone who is also geeky so they understand and we can go to places like the sci-fi museum, Star Wars Exhibit and ComicCons plus random trips to ultimate comic book shops. Can you image those family trips!? I can. I think I am slowly coming back around to that idea.
It was awesome too to meet Jason Pearson who is a Deadpool, my favorite character, cover artist. I also was able to get some comic books that plugged holes in my collection. My friend came with too and she even got to two Dr. Who comic books! (Helping her become an uber-geek! haha)
All in all the day was met with taking pictures of people in costumes, a hilarious Brent Spinner and Jonathan Frakes panel, Jason Pearson, comic books, friends and utter geeking out. The night ended with geeking out with another friend looking over comic books and watching Batman cartoon movies. Awesome day!
Me and Deadpool. (I am soo not photogenic! Ugh!)
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