Here I am. I am finally 30 weeks pregnant. I feel like I am on third base ready to steal home! (Haha sport analogy!) All seriousness, naw this can't be a serious blog, here are some observations I've made about being 30 weeks pregnant.
Observation #1. Moodiness. My goodness I have been extremely moody! I wake up just a testy you know what! I am so glad that usually my mornings are spent alone. I try very hard to get out any moodiness in the hour I get ready for the day. (You can image what is said during that hour!) I can feel myself getting overly worked up over the stupid things! Like how I locked my car door so now I have to fumble with my keys to open the door. Seriously? Come on! Just silly!
Observation #2: Every health or body issue I am way hypochondriac over. If I feel the weirdest twinge I am stopping an immediately counting baby movements. Granted my headaches are annoying but that is okay to be overly cautious. (I didn't say these were bad observations!)
Observation #3: WHAT THE GIGANTIC LEGS!? I was sitting in the movie theatre and looked down and just saw these gigantic legs. I know, I know I've complained about my weight blah blah, but this was not just a weight thing. I could feel my swollen feet and knees. I can't believe how swollen! It's like... I have cankles for the first time in my life! (I've been a bigger girl and I've never had cankles!) I just feel awkward and wobbly.
Observation #4: I waddle. And you know what? I am proud to waddle! Waddle away pregnant women you deserve that right! I've waddled here or there in the beginning as my body adjusted but now I really waddle. ESPECIALLY when I have to pee! My waddle is larger and more noticeable. Sometimes I can't make it without waddling. Swollen legs + extruding tummy with a 3-lb growing organism in there = the need to waddle.
Observation #5: Everyone wants to do things for me! I will just mention something just like I am thinking out loud and then wow there it is or someone does it! It's madness! But... well, I kind of like it. I am definitely not going to to get used to it but I appreciate it greatly while it is happening! Many love and hugs!
Observation #6: This baby has power! She is already trying to say who is boss! When she kicks or moves when I am certain position she lets it be known that she hates it! Yes. And I finally felt the whole rib thing! WOW! How she reached up there I am impressed! I also during church on Sunday just watched my tummy move as she moved. It was amazing! I love how much she moves. I do say I will miss that part of the pregnancy.
Observation #7: "I'm about to be a mom, again." 9 months seemed so far away but two months not so much. I find myself looking at my tummy in the mirror and just awing that the fact I am about to be a mom. Granted, this is NOT the circumstance I wanted to be a mom again but I am finally getting excited for the mom part. I think because I am preparing myself mentally and I remember how much I loved it before. I feel like my heart is being mended.
Observation #8: Sleepy Insomniac. I can't make up my mind. One night I am awake and unable to sleep. The other night I can't get to bed soon enough! I wish I would make up my mind because it messes my sleeping pattern! Ha. Like I ever had one before. I still can't go to sleep before midnight usually but still, I have been awake till 2 to 3 am some nights and then bam the next night/day I can't keep my eyes open!!
I am not sure what the remaining two months have it store. For some reason I have a feel she is going to come a week early around the 16th of May. We shall see. But, I apologize for my moodiness, I appreciate all that everyone has done for me and I am curious to know what is going to happen in the two months I have left of being pregnant!
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