Until now. Oh my goodness the heartburn!
I had a strange night last night besides the fact I was completely shoved up into the corner of my bed, mainly because my kitty slept with me last night, but I woke up actually feeling, well very pregnant. I think Naomi grew during the night and pushed out my tummy a little more! But I woke up practically starving, I am not talking like the hunger pains starving where it hurts but you know the type where you are just craving that food like you have never craved before. I ended up eating two english muffins and three bowls of cereal! (Now that I discovered I can drink Lactose Free milk I am drinking milk like mad!) But even then I still craved food. But I had to get ready for work but I have been eating non stop all day from crackers, to PB&J sandwiches and more!
Sounds wonderful right?
Everything I eat no matter what has given me heartburn! Even when I don't eat I am having heartburn. Oh joy. So I guess I traded the nauseousness for heartburn I suppose.
Well, I found myself in a bit of a conundrum. I really wanted some pickles you see, I like pickles anyway but then I knew the pickles would possibly cause heartburn. But I didn't want to finish off the pickles knowing I would have an attack of heartburn and my roommate she suggested drinking milk earlier to help.
So here I am caught. It's almost a pickles and ice cream moment.
I found that eating 2-3 tums as soon as I took my last bite of food... and sometimes one in the middle of eating helped me with heartburn. Supposedly it's a sign that your baby will have a lot of hair :) .... then again, I had heartburn with both pregnancies and my babies were bald.