Monday, December 31, 2012

Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.  

I think this song has more meaning to me this year seeing that I have made some major changes in the last year. As I have been moping around the house all day because I extremely miss my friends up north. I realized that part of my reasons because I truly do miss them and hope that they don't forget me and I forget them.

Reflection on this last year amazes me how much my family went through, how much my daughter has grown. She speaks so much and understands way more. Incredible!  I have gone through so many personal, physical and spiritual changes.

New love, loss, grief, pain, joy, achievments, moving, new, rekindled, here there and everwhere in between it makes me wonder what this next year will bring. Some things old will stay and some things new will come but whatever it is, I am looking forward to it. 

I may love again, loose again, find joy and pain again... achieve goals, find new and rekindle old... here or there and everywhere in between I really do look forward to 2013.

(Wow this post is kind of poetic.)

Happy New Year 

to my 

wonderful and amazing

Friends and Family   

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Well, good news first. I am down 41lbs! So excited! (All just from jogging a few times a week and being careful what I eat.)

Today on my jog the air was thick and heavy with fog. Out of all the days I decided to try and wear a pull over sweater. I felt like I was wearing ten extra pounds. But as the jog went on I got used to the sweater.

Now, my new path where I live now, which is back in my old hometown, it on a road that is mostly straight for a good portion of the route. But there are some curves. As I headed out this morning I was a bit concered about the fog. It was pretty thick and I was afraid that traffic, even though it is sporadic, may not see me. But, I pressed on. I was wearing bright colors and most of the places are safe for me to jump off the road if need be.

Now, being in the back country there is also a concern of animals. There was a report of a, I believe a bobcat, the other week. I am on guard when I am jogging. I do pass by a couple of farms with mostly cows and chickens but so far so good. However, today in this thick fog I can see a black shadow moving up head. I question if I should still be jogging or just stop and go home. I couldn't stop. I have a goal to jog everyday and I wasn't going to let some mountain lion or creature get in my way! As I got closer I could clearly see it was a dog. Still on guard I passed it. It started to chase me! However, I looked over and saw this huge grin and it's long pink tongue hanging out. I only laughed and continued on. Eventually it lost interested and went off onto the Golf Course.

As I was jogging through the fog and listening to epic music. I thought back to the dog and how I wasn't sure what it was. I thought of my life and how it does feel like I am going through the fog. That I see black shadowy things that make me scared and want to just stop and turn around. I feel like I am wearing so many heavy sweaters but they do get lighter.

I have had so many ups and downs and hopes and failures in the last month and half. Between being homeless, careless and relationships. However, as I am coming through the fog things that look big and scary have not been such. They end up being good and make me laugh.

Again, I am still pressing forward. I am hopeful of things to come. I still don't know where some important things are going to lead but I feel like I have a lot to accomplish and I am going to be okay and finish my jog even though I can't see clearly ahead.